Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Visit from the Parents

Now this is relaxing!
My mom and step-father would be travelling south on I-95 over the weekend, on the way to their home in Florida.  Knowing that I would probably be on the boat over the weekend, they scheduled to spend the weekend with us in Brunswick.

As soon as I knew they would be coming, I began to plan a day trip.  My mother used to have a sailboat and made trips on it to the Bahamas.  My step-father owned a couple of trawlers back in the 80's and has cruised with us before.  So both of them enjoy boating.  I though they might like to get underway!

Lunch at 685 Seafood Restaurant
But then, just weeks before the scheduled visit, my first mate, line-handler, and wife (that's all one person), had something come up that prevented her from going with me to Brunswick.  Now what?  I had never taken Elixir out without Marie on board.

Now some of you may be wondering what's the big deal.  I had my parents on board to handle lines plus dock hands.  But Marie doesn't use dock hands.  She lassos the cleat from the boat.  Not only that, but she can mostly tie off the line without leaving the boat.  So she can get 3-4 lines over without any help while I stay at the helm holding Elixir in place.

View from the 685 Seafood Restaurant
Additionally, we know what each other is going to do.  We often hear couples yelling at each other as they are docking.  But all I do is tell Marie which line I want over first ( this is the line I will pull against to keep Elixir in place).  From that point on she does whatever she does without any prompting from me.  All I know is she will tell me when that first line is over and when she is done (at which point I can shut off the engine).  So I was nervous to pull out without her.

I did not want to let my parents down though, so I asked a neighboring sailboat to help cast off and catch us when we returned.  And off we went.

Dick at the helm
It takes about an hour to reach the restaurant which is long enough to enjoy it but not long enough to tire of it.  The predicted winds held off and the weather was comfortable, especially going over.

The restaurant was nice and we ate on the porch with a view of Elixir....and the other boats.  Dick took his turns at the helm which allowed me to prepare lines and fenders, something Marie normally does.

We all enjoyed the trip and my first time underway without Marie was a success!  Its good to know I can do it, but hopefully I won't have to very often!

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