The Crew

Ron & Marie Beckstrom

Growing up on the water in West Palm Beach, Florida, it was only natural that Ron would enlist in the Navy.  While serving in the Navy as an electronics technician, Ron was stationed in places like Hawaii and Bermuda.  He served aboard the USS Yosemite, a destroyer tender, and the USS Fahrion, a fast frigate.  When asked by BoatUS what the largest boat he ever steered was, he could honestly say "in excess of 400 feet!"

After 15 years in the Navy, Ron decided to change careers, got his degree and attended Florida State University College of Law.  Practicing since 1995, he has one of the most successful criminal defense offices in south-west Georgia.

Having been raised around boats and the ocean, and having sailed around the world in the Navy (including the Panama and Suez Canals), Ron has once again turned his attention to the sea and hopes to soon be cruising the east coast, Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Marie met Ron while they were both working at the Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Florida.  When he decided to become a Lawyer, she went to school and received her certification as a Legal Secretary.  After gaining experience at other law offices, she was instrumental in setting up Ron's office once he graduated from law school.

Living in New Mexico Marie learned to love and respect nature and that it was a necessity if you were to survive on your own in sometimes harsh environments (although her lessons were meant for mountains and deserts, it equally applies to the sea).  She grew up as a do-it-yourselfer and has been seen shingling roofs when the men were too chicken to climb up.  This "can do" attitude makes her well suited for trawler life as she is just as capable changing the oil on the engine as she is preparing the night's meal.

Although her experience on the ocean is limited, she is very excited about her future cruising!

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