Not the best start to a cruise |
Labor Day Weekend was a busy but fun time for us. We have not been able to get underway since the 4th of July because Marie had surgery shortly after and has been recovering. The doctor told her she could not go out on the boat for about six weeks. I'm pretty sure he just made that up to keep me from boating!
But at long last (it seemed like forever), she was cleared to resume her duties as First Mate (or is it Admiral?) and so we pulled out on Thursday morning - destination Darien, Georgia. The weather was overcast and it looked like a storm could start any minute, but we were underway.
CleanerWaters.org |
While we were confined to the dock, I completed a project we had been working on ever since our trip to Miami. We founded a non-profit organization called CleanerWaters.org. From now on, whenever we leave port we will be cleaning the waterways, rivers, and ocean of marine debris. Its our way of giving back for the great time we are having cruising on Elixir. In just a few months, we have already collected close to 800 pounds of garbage that would have otherwise made its way into the ocean. On this weekend, we chose to clean the waters between Brunswick and Darien. For more info on this project and how you can help, check out www.CleanerWaters.org. Any donation you can give to help this important cause will be greatly appreciated!
North River Anchorage |
Thursday night, after a 5 hour cruise, we anchored at the mouth of the North River. The view of the marshes was endless and we spent the evening watching the shrimp boats returning from the sea and heading up the river to their home port in Darien.
The following morning, we continued our trip and turned up the Darien River, following in the wakes of the Shrimp Boats the night before, and headed towards Darien.
Bottle Trees were seen throughout Darien |
The town of Darien is full of history. As the second oldest city in Georgia, it has much to offer to any history buff. One of the first English forts, Ft. King George, was built there in the early 1700's and a replica stands there today. They hold reenactments on the first Saturday of each month.
Darien was also the site of a sad chapter in the civil war, when the Union forces captured the undefended city which was occupied by mostly women and children, and burned it to the ground. You may remember that scene as depicted in the movie "Glory".
Elixir watches the Shrimp Boat Fleet |
Darien was once one of the busiest seaports on the east coast, known for its lumber, cotton, and rice exports. When those industries died off for various reasons, a fleet of shrimp boats came to make Darien its home. Modeled after the hardy ocean-going shrimp boats, Elixir felt right at home.
For us boaters, one of the best things about Darien is its free city docks. The town marina allows you to stay there for two nights at no charge. Even the electric and water is free! Of course, the idea is that you will spend money while there. But, hey, with the money saved on docking, you can afford to!
Green for go biking! |
While there we visited many sights in the town. If you don't want to walk, you can rent some bikes from The Peddling Pig, which aside from reasonably priced rental bikes, boasts the only operating stop light in McIntosh County! Darien has a great bike path and is well worth the ride!
We also visited the old jail, which has been turned into an art gallery and museum. The old jail house used to be home to both the inmates and the sheriff's family. I can't imagine being a child and growing up in the same house as all the drunks, crooks, and thieves being held just upstairs!
We cleaned up over 290 pounds of trash on this trip! |
Darien boasts several seafood restaurants that serve fresh off the boat shrimp. But come early and come hungry. They are normally busy and serve you more than you can eat!
The local hardware store has a large marine section, which is great for any needed repairs on the boat.
As much as we hated to leave, on Sunday morning we pulled out and headed back towards Brunswick.
Solemar, Moonshine, and Elixir share a dock |
Of course, the weekend was yet to be over. Back in Brunswick, our good friends Steve and Benita were onboard their 53 foot Defever, Solemar. We always enjoy visiting with them and a morning cup of coffee and conversation on the aft deck of Solemar has become a ritual. I can assure you that we have solved many of the worlds problems in those morning talks!
And to add to the fun, Gary and Diane onboard Moonshine, a 43ft Defever, were also in town for a visit. It was nice to see them again after meeting them at the last Defever Rendevous!
We stayed until Monday afternoon and then headed home, sad that it was over and anxious for the next trip to begin!
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