Elixir at the dock - ready to go! |
On December 5, we took part in the annual Christmas Boat Parade in Brunswick, Georgia. We spent almost a month decking Elixir out with lights and Christmas decorations. This was our first time being in the parade and on top of it, we were representing CleanerWaters.org so we wanted it to be good!
Our son, Josh, and his wife, Melody, drove over to join us in the parade. It was the first time they would be underway with us!
It was also the first time we would be underway after dark, so it was expected to be an exciting night all the way around! We were not to be disappointed.
Elixir backing out |
We had some anxiety as the wind was kicking up at about 15 miles per hour with gusts to 20, and did I mention it was dark? At the appointed time, we backed out of the slip without a hitch.
At first we just puttered around trying to not go anywhere, while all the boats began to pull out of their slips, one by one. With 15-20 mile an hour winds, this was not the easiest of tasks. But we kept from hitting any other boats and eventually they began to form up the line for the parade.
Elixir passing in review |
As we got in line, we all proceeded to Mary Ross Park, where the Brunswick City Parade had just
ended, so there was a crowd of people waiting to see the boats. We all passed single file within about 50 feet of the seawall. It was fun because we could interact with the crowd and both sides got the other to hoop and holler louder! Many people shouted words of encouragement to CleanerWaters.org (we had a banner on the side of the boat) for the good work it is doing. This made us feel good about being a part of it!
More boats |
The parade was to make three circles passing in front of the park. As we rounded the far end on our first pass, I was dutifully following the sailboat in front of me. With all the lights on Elixir, when I would look out all I could see was black, other than the lights of the other boats. Did I mention it was dark out? Suddenly, he turned sharply to starboard. "What is he doing?", I asked no one in particular. Just about then I discovered what he was doing as Elixir lurched from running aground! Instinctively, I immediately threw her into reverse and backed off before we became stuck. I then gave her hard right rudder to get back to deeper water and "thud", I hit ground again! At this point, not know why I kept hitting, we grabbed for the spot light and discovered we were surrounded by marsh! I had not run aground, I ran ashore! Luckily, the bottom was soft so I again backed her out and just kept backing. After I was sure I was in deep water again, I rejoined the parade!
Elixir backs out so the Coasties can get in |
We made the second pass with no problems. Then on the third pass, as we were passing along side the seawall and waiving to the crowd, I watched a car drive straight into the crowd and almost go over into the water! We saw people flying in every direction and at least one person was thrown into the water, right in front of us! I immediately threw Elixir into reverse as I did not know how many were in the water or where they were (you guessed it, it was dark) and I did not want to run over anyone with my 30,000 pound boat. While I backed away, Josh and Melody both trained lights on the water and found the one woman who was in the water. Marie grabbed a life ring and threw it to her, but in her shock, the woman swam to the pilings instead. I could only think of all those barnacles! Ouch.
The Coast Guard was alerted to the situation (they were in the parade) and they radioed asking if anyone had a light on the woman. I responded that we did and so they headed for our light.
The Coast Guard pulls the woman aboard! |
As they arrived, we backed out of their way and let them take over. They pulled the woman aboard and took her to the marina where an ambulance was waiting. We were all focused on the woman and when we finally looked up to the shore, the car was gone. I have no idea why it ran into the crowd like that.
At that point the call came over the radio to halt the parade and we all headed back to the marina. The whole dock turned out to assist us in pulling in and find out what happened.
Afterwards, we all went to a party for the participants and Elixir won first place in two categories! We were selected as the best new entry and the best power boat! CleanerWaters.org was also recognized for all the work it does in removing debris from the waterways!
It was a great night and we can't wait to see what happens next year!